Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Rainy Romance Live Wallpaper

Rainy Romance Live Wallpaper is a romantic work which tells a sweet love story of a love-struck boy who is waiting for his beloved girl in the rain. Though he has got an umbrella in hand, he does not want to use it. Because he just wants to open it for his girl whom he believes would come to him soon.

When touching the persistent boy with your fingers, he will open the umbrella and his beloved girl will also appear at the same time. But if you touch him again, his girl will disappear and the boy closes his umbrella as before.

To set wallpaper:
Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers

Milad Talabari
Its goog but not so butifull
Rated: 3 Star

M Invernessity
Unique lwp is the only one available on the Play Store which features disappearing elements. When you touch the young man, the young girl disappears leaving only blue and cream dots which then slowly disappear themselves, as he lowers his umbrella. When he is touched again, he raises his umbrella and the dots reappear and disperse as the girl reappears and replaces them. Looks great and runs smoothly on both Lollipop phone and tablet - in portrait mode. Note this is not sized for landscape mode. Ty to dev!
Rated: 5 Star

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