Thursday, October 29, 2015

Dinish Keyboard

Dinish Keyboard is and input method that is developed to support all geez writings for Geez, Tigrigna and Amharic.

In order to use Dinish Keyboard, you need to install Geez font on your device from Geez android fonts if you have a device that support flip-fonts or any other way.

This application has no interface of its own. After installing, select the Language and input in the Settings then check the box next Dinish Keyboard to enable it. Then choose Dinish keyboard for default input method

keep up Dinish i like this app in my andriod phone .
Rated: 5 Star

እስላም ሰላም
Welahi eyeserachu yalut sera sewn betam yasdestal Allah be jenetal furdos yasdesitachu yareb insha allah
Rated: 5 Star

YonathanMan '
I installed it but it didn't open at all
Rated: 1 Star

Hana Senayite
ኢትዮጵያ ለዘላለም ትኑር
Rated: 5 Star

Betty Robel
Can you use this on Samsung galaxy 4s?? Some reason this is not working for me:(
Rated: 1 Star

Raheel Nabi
Sagingew betam new des yalinge enamsgnalen
Rated: 5 Star

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