Saturday, October 31, 2015

Network Monitor Mini

We like live statistics. Android does not show network connection statistics on screen. You do not know the current internet bandwidth used for upload and download.

This is a mini network monitor for your phone. It monitors the upload and download speed per second. It will always stay in the corner of your phone's screen. You can set the indicator to any corner of the screen, customize the color and transparency of the indicator. In this way, you can enjoy surfing internet, just like what you do in your PC! You can record the live network information for your WiFi / 3G / 4G network speed!

FREE features:
★ Live Network Traffic Meter (Speed / Data Rate)
★ Custom Prefix (U: / D: etc.)
★ Custom Color, Width, Height, Font, Font size, Transparency value
★ Hide /s Suffix (per second)

PRO features:
★ Adjustable Kilo Value
★ Adjustable Decimal Places (Please turn it off if you have flickering problem)
★ Normalize VPN / proxy / loopback traffic
★ Custom Readings Location
★ Show on Status Bar
★ Hide Readings when there is No Traffic
★ Hide when Specific Apps are Running
★ Hide when Day Dreaming (screen saver - 4.2+)
★ Beta Test: Traffic Breakdown Mode (for supported devices only)

Pro version support auto-hides when there is no traffic, hides monitor for specific apps, and it is ad-free. You can also disable the notification icon. Pro version is available at:

Update Log:
1.0.122 Lang fix, huawei fix
1.0.108 Bug fix
1.0.106 Locale bug fix
1.0.102 Korean (Young-wook Kim)
1.0.99 Xiaomi fix (小米、紅米)
* Fix for 4.4.2 (service not restart bug, now restart when unlock)
* Djek Energetik (Russian)
* 川﨑聖哉 (Japanese)
1.0.96 Fix for 4.4
1.0.93 Fix for Nexus 5
1.0.91 Bug fixes
* Fix for kitkat (4.4)
* Fix cannot get total traffic bug for some devices (require GET_TASKS permission)
* Advanced color (prefix)
* Layout (horizontal / vertical)
* Notification: IP and Network
* Optimize for HD res
* Start on boot option, bugs fix
* Notification fix (4.3+)
* Custom prefix
* Text transparency
* Manual input x, y for custom location
1.0.68 Text alignment option
1.0.65-67 UI for 4.x device
1.0.63 Enable Text shadow, allow "0" transparency level

Abraham Rohith Roy
Been looking for this for a very long time. Very discreet, small and does not get in the way of other apps viewport. Blends in really well. Great.
Rated: 5 Star

Peter Wyngaard
Where I live, South Africa, the internet is very unreliable. This app is great as I can see what is happening to the data that I am trying to read!
Rated: 5 Star

Ade Irawan
Stabil and good
Rated: 5 Star

Saeid Dehdashti
It actually just displays realtime download and upload bitrates in a small always on top rectangle , but doesnt display each apps share of traffic usage to monitor spying ones
Rated: 3 Star

Mercy Udele
Very useful
Rated: 4 Star

Strax •
Would be nice if you could add a firewall system. (Feature to block connections, get more info on the host... Such as the Mac OS application ~ Little Snitch. I guarantee you will profit from this! (I manually added in the coding on a separate Application. 🐸 (Hold down Host to get several options) block, info... Hope you have the chance to read this comment Developers!
Rated: 4 Star

Hindi Story Book

This is a Hindi Story Book application containing 250+ Hindi stories (kahaniya) from various titles like Akbar Birbal, Panchtantra, Tenali Ram, Bhartiya Lok Kathaye, Singhasan Battisi etc.

This is Ad Free App...

If you are seeing red lines, you need to uncheck "Spelling Correction" under "Language & Input" Tab in the Settings.

50 Pullups workout Be Stronger

50 Pullups Be Stronger is a training program which will help you develop your strength and physique.
Be stronger - this is your own home trainer for pullups, pushups, squats and abs.
- list of programs for training
- timer for rest
- quick statistic
- achievements
- table of other players
- cloud service for statistic
- notifications for training
1. Do the test.(max pullups as you can). Choose a training cycle based on your test results. For example, if you've done 7 pullups, you start our program from the 6-8 cycle.
2. Remember to rest between training sessions for at least one day, and after 3 sessions for at least 2 days.
3. If during a cycle you weren't able to do all sets of pullups for a given day, don't worry. Rest for 2 or 3 days and then try again.
4. After finishing a cycle rest for at least 2 days before you do another test.
5. After a 2 day break start your next training cycle.
6. Follow the above instructions until you reach the last cycle (more than 40 pullups). When you reach the last cycle, you will be in a very good shape and you will be able to try to do 50 pullups.
7. After finishing the last training cycle take a break, relax for a couple of days and then do the test again. This time there's a big chance that you will reach 50 pullups. If not, don't worry. Do the last cycle again, and repeat again.
Good luck!
There is ads in app. To disable ads please buy full version.

Hiram Jones
Stretches get a bit repetitive but otherwise pretty good so far
Rated: 4 Star

Ali Tajdar
Rated: 5 Star

Victor Mercado
Lots of warm up exercises, and saves progress to the cloud
Rated: 5 Star

Дмитрий Гончар
Приложение-супер. Спасибо за хорошую программу и интересную тему
Rated: 5 Star

David Mubita
Day 5 and I feel results already
Rated: 4 Star

Rasheed Thuraya
The application is good for training.
Rated: 4 Star

Wizard Memo - Note-taking

Available EVERYWHERE, SIMPLE memo application, it's WIZARD MEMO. Not only SIMPLE & EASY usage but also FAVORITE SKINS(Now, two kinds of skins and there will be updated). Additionally, available checking next(previous) memo on touching scroll to right(left). Enjoy your android life with WIZARD MEMO! Thanks a lot.

Big Monu
How do you delete notes and lists on a galaxy s5? 7/28 Still no way to delete notes. Notes are piling up.waiting to change my 2 stars to 5 because I like the format. it is 12/27/14, no reply from designers, no update to fix. Copying and pasting to my other memo pad, then uninstalling
Rated: 2 Star

Hemant Moudgil
There"s no option to restore saved and back up notes if you UN-install and re-install this app this is big flaw and there's no explanation as well like how to do it can your developer guide about this
Rated: 1 Star

A Google User
Gr8t 4 secrets if you link it with a lock protector app.
Rated: 5 Star

Becky Kazda
Its cool
Rated: 5 Star

Yoestini Marine
Greaat app, so simple and easy to create a memo, but maybe can be excellent if the theme of memo can more varited than before
Rated: 4 Star

Brajesh Kumar
No ads and full version.thanks developers.great appreciation for hard work.
Rated: 5 Star

Meditation Course (Practical)

Learn to meditate, your mind and your body will thank you. We have designed this application in two parts: theory and practice. It is designed in blue following the principles of chromotherapy. In the theory section you will find basic information and manuals to learn how to meditate. And in practice section you can practice meditation accompanied by soothing music for as long as you consider appropriate. In future versions we will be adding more content and options through your comment. We hope that you enjoy this app :)

Currently only in Spanish.


- Theory and practice.
- Tips on theory section.
- Different times of meditation.
- Different gongs will be notified at the end of the meditation.
- You can meditate with or without music.
- You can turn off the volume of calls to not distract you during meditation.
- All apicación designed in blue, following the principles of chromotherapy.
- Music selected.
- Direct access to the preferred meditation time.
- Guided Meditation.

Willie Ang
It's a good apps. But too bad there is no engilsh language. So can't understand what it means. Hope English language can be up soon!
Rated: 3 Star

Juan Cruz
So relaxing and peaceful works for me-LG2
Rated: 4 Star

Sergio Bellido Rojas
Muy buena
Rated: 5 Star

Douglas Lannom
does the app need permission for phone calls? Seems strange for a meditation app.
Rated: 3 Star

Aura-Skye Benjaminsen
Im yet to properly use this because I can only understand english. Will try again and rerate once and update is added into settings with a choice of language, thanking you.
Rated: 2 Star

Nathan Saunders
Crap English
Rated: 1 Star



== 1111找工作-功能特色簡介 ==
★ 11分鐘找工作:讓您快速地建立履歷,立即搜尋工作及投遞履歷。
★ 推薦工作:由1111人力銀行不定期推薦適合的工作給您。
★ 職場新聞:讓您隨時掌握最新職場訊息,了解業界動態,此為1111人力銀行獨有的貼心服務。
★ 履歷健診:百位專業人資幫您檢視、修改自傳,您也可以選擇面對面或視訊諮商。
★ 定位找工作:讓您動個手指就能搜尋所在地附近的工作,還可以篩選打工、兼職工作或特定職務。
★ 我的履歷表:讓您直接在『1111找工作』裡新增、修改履歷。


* 感謝大家支持1111找工作 *
* 若您也覺得此次調整不錯,請給我們五星評價鼓勵喔!

◎服務時間 : 週一 ~ 週五8:30 ~ 21:00
週六、週日、國定假日9:00 ~ 17:00
◎電話: (02)8787-1111轉8,免付費申訴專線:0800-09-1111

Rated: 5 Star

Silas Chen
Rated: 5 Star

Rated: 1 Star

Gary Wang
實在很方便 能夠快速查詢
Rated: 5 Star

Rated: 5 Star

Chattiekitty Wu
Rated: 5 Star

GO Keyboard Paris

GO Keyboard Paris is what you need on your phone to customize it. Paris is the famous capital from Europe everybody wants to visit and for good reason. Since the city is so stilish and sophisticated we decided to create a keyboard theme based on this fabulous city.

Paris will set your heart on fire with the Eiffel tower in the background on your keys. Your keypad will never be the same without it so please take your time and rate this go keyboard theme to show us you enjoy it.

Always remember: Paris is a fun place to be so relax and use this keyboard to message your friends. Happy thoughts everywhere from Paris. With love of course.

Sherlyn Calles
It feels like I went to that place and took a picture of it
Rated: 5 Star

Lixanie Lixa
Love it.. so sweet.. and the color is great 💜
Rated: 5 Star

Rachel Blevins
I love purple so this is for me... thanks
Rated: 5 Star

Gabriela Gunawan
It's a nice app I love all the themes
Rated: 5 Star

Navin Chandran
I love it so fantastic if only there we're a lot of themes
Rated: 4 Star

Karina Gomez
I liked it because it is so beautiful!😍😆😸👏🙋🐻🎍🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼🗼
Rated: 5 Star

Smoking Skull Live Wallpaper

Smoking skull in your smartphone!
Panda Soft - The best live wallpapers and launchers for your smartphone!

Installation instructions:

Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers
Scroll down the list, find out the wallpaper and setup it.

Note: It is live wallpaper so you can't open the app, you will need to follow the instruction above in order to set the wallpaper. Also slower/older devices (shipped with Android OS below 2.1) can't run it too.

Omer Ikram
Lowest graphics laggy
Rated: 1 Star

Jan Vander Catingub
Mind making it HD?
Rated: 4 Star

Miss Fox
When the pops go I'll try it!!!
Rated: 1 Star

Rayhan Shuvo
Laggy.. Make it smoother.
Rated: 1 Star

Donald Reighn
Rated: 5 Star

Gabrielraj Alxavier
Rated: 3 Star

СМС поздравления от SMSki.Mobi

Сегодня трудно себе представить современное общение и коммуникацию без СМС сообщений ! А кто из нас не слышал про смс бокс или не отправлял смс поздравления многочисленным друзьям и знакомым? А как приятно в канун праздника или на день рождения получать волнующие поздравления смс от близких людей!Межличностные отношения все больше переходят в виртуальный мир, который насыщен множеством возможностей проявить себя посредством классического обращения друг к другу: обсуждением насущных проблем, поиском верных путей решения бесконечных жизненных трудностей, осуществляемых на существенном удалении абонентов между собой. Тотальная нехватка времени и является причиной бурного развития уникальных сервисов общения людей на расстоянии, где самым совершенным и эффективным является виртуальный сервис, обеспечивающий отправку смс через интернет.

Оригинальные бесплатные смс сообщения предоставит многочисленным пользователям – уникальное приложение от SMSki.Mobi!

С помощью нашего функционала можно поздравить любимую девушку в день святого Валентина, для этого достаточно трогательного поздравления смс, которое превратит волнующий романтический вечер в сказку!

Как приятно ощутить тепло и заботу родных и любимых людей – получив смс поздравления на день ангела , день рождения или какой-нибудь юбилей!

Содержательные по смыслу смс поздравления полностью БЕСПЛАТНЫ для пользователей, подготовлены талантливыми писателями и пробуждают множество положительных эмоций! Все бесплатные смс отправляются через наш SMS шлюз с указанием Вашего мобильного номера. Приложение постоянно обновляется, причем все изменения производятся совершенно БЕСПЛАТНО для пользователя! Приложение пока содержит начальный набор функций, которые продолжают успешно совершенствоваться. В ближайших планах расширить возможности отправки сообщений в виде поздравления смс, дополнить функционал многими полезными новациями, среди которых: активация платного аккаунта с возможностью отключения рекламы, введение уникального календаря поздравлений, функции запоминания дней рождения и памятных дат Ваших друзей, знакомых и др.

Все это будет доступно после регистрации, без которой возможен лишь просмотр доступных категорий смс и копирование контента.

Важнейшим условием отправки является необходимость авторизации под своим НАСТОЯЩИМ номером. Это требование актуально по причине того, что на Ваш номер придет код активации и все смс отправленные через наш сервис будут приходить ОТ ВАШЕГО НОМЕРА.

Наш сервис весьма дорожит мнением и отзывами пользователей о качестве наших услуг и специально в этих целях создал ветку на форуме для обсуждения неясных вопросов, касающихся поздравления смс. Кроме того на сайте действует техподдержка, куда можно обратиться в любое время суток и в течение короткого периода времени получить исчерпывающий ответ на любой поставленный вопрос.

Воспользуйтесь возможностями приложения гарантирующего только качественные смс поздравления на любые праздники!

Мы предлагаем разнообразные категории СМС поздравлений на любой вкус. Здесь каждый пользователь может подобрать смс поздравления на традиционные отечественные и религиозные праздники – Новый и Старый Новый год, романтический день святого Валентина (14 февраля), День защитника Отечества ( 23 февраля ) , Международный женский день ( 8 марта ), Масленица, Пасху (Пасха), Татьянин день, торжественный и памятный День Победы, поздравления на день рождения и именины и др.
В нашей базе только самые лучшие смс поздравления! форум, где Вы можете удостовериться в работоспособности приложения и оставить свои предложения к дальнейшему улучшению.

Andrew Rybakow
Отличное приложение для отправки поздравлений друзьям.
Rated: 5 Star

True Or False

Want to check your erudition and to compete with other players? If so, offer you a game True Or False (I believe - I do not believe).
This game is both as a test of your knowledge, and as a competition with players from around the world.

Every day the top of the best players changing and you always have a chance to settle in the first place. Compete with friends and family, with friends and acquaintances,
with the world - and show off your results to your favorite social networks! Answer all the questions correctly and become the NUMBER ONE.
Come to the game every day and enjoy new questions and achievements!

The game already has hundreds of interesting questions and their number will increase.


Amber Presley
Good game to pass the time, I noticed a few of the answers were wrong and the answers sometime change from round to round. But overall a good game :)
Rated: 4 Star

Mel Rochon
But true that some answers are incorrect so its confusing!! Cant see the great wall of china from space. Thats a myth! Shawnna Carlson .. oh my maybe you should brush up on science and do some research and not just assume you are correct. Go to the nasa page and it clear as day tells u that u are an idiot and u are the uneducated dummy :)
Rated: 3 Star

Misbah Khan
It is good game and also it's very good game and mind games
Rated: 5 Star

Angie Alvarenga
The grammar is absolutely horrendous in this game and it can make the statements unclear. Which makes deciding whether they are true or false more difficult, not in a good way. I also think quite a few of the facts are wrong.
Rated: 1 Star

Merv Nykoliation
Learned several things. Some useless but some may come in handy. Who knows!!!
Rated: 4 Star

Keith Myers
But all things considered.. Not bad for what it is
Rated: 3 Star

iOrange FREE - Drink Orange

Drink orange on your phone!
This hilarious trick looks like your phone is filling up with orange. You can then "drink" it by tilting the device. Amaze friends and family with a phone so smart it actually makes orange!

✔ orange looks amazingly real
✔ shake for bubbles and foam
✔ tilt to drink or pour out
✔ fake-break your screen
✔ FREE burp included!
✔ FREE lifetime refills!

Guaranteed to be fun and safe: From Hottrix, inventors of iBeer, the award-winning comedy trick seen on TV and downloaded 90 million times!

❤ Collect all our drink apps: Cola, Water, Chocolate, Coffee and many more!❤

This free, funny comedy magic trick is perfect for party, bar and pranks on social media.
Love it or hate it: This app will make everyone laugh. You win!
Download it NOW!

Roent Gen
Rated: 5 Star

Barbed Wire
But don't encourage people to eat iphones
Rated: 4 Star

Samiha Ali
Lol it burps at the end
Rated: 5 Star

Jordan Cambell
This app is super funny I got the isoda first
Rated: 5 Star

Abelhy Sanchez
Got all the apps
Rated: 5 Star

Aydin Aria
Nice :-D
Rated: 5 Star


APLICACIÓN OFICIAL DE es el tablón de anuncios clasificados gratuitos más popular de España según Google. En milanuncios se publican al día 85.000 anuncios, gratis todos ellos. En este portal de segunda mano, tienen cabida anuncios de compra-venta de bienes de segunda mano y nuevos, anuncios de empleo, servicios profesionales, negocios, coleccionistas, ...

Publicar anuncios es gratis y es un medio ideal para contactar con posibles compradores, clientes, empleadores, ... Es muy fácil poner anuncios además de rápido. En total hay 6.000.000 de anuncios clasificados que se reparten en categorías variadas: motos de segunda mano, coches de ocasión, pisos de segunda mano, portátiles de segunda mano, ofertas de empleo, teléfonos de segunda mano, ...

Con la app todo será más fácil, ya que puedes:
* Ver todos los anuncios de la página desde tu Android
* Publicar anuncios gratis
* Gestionar tus anuncios
* Añadir anuncios a tus favoritos
* Gestionar tus favoritos
* Guardar búsquedas y repetirlas más adelante
* Repetir búsquedas recientes
* Contactar con los anunciantes
* Ver las estadísticas de tus anuncios
* Renovar tus anuncios

¿No screen rotation? unbelievable
Rated: 2 Star

Albert Martorell Garcia
Si marcamos los parametros de una busqueda y a continuación ponemos la app en background, al volver a la app la busqueda ha desaparecido y volvemos a la activity main.
Rated: 3 Star

Raúl Santana
Permisos intrusivos.
Rated: 1 Star

Miguel Munoz
Muy bien la Application de móvil.
Rated: 5 Star

Perla Guadarrama
No usa
Rated: 1 Star

Luminita Mina
I like
Rated: 5 Star uygulaması ile;

• İlan verebilir, düzenleyebilir, yayına alabilir, ilanınız için doping satın alabilir,
• GeT'li ilanları satın alabilir,
• GeT'li ilan yayınlayıp, işlemlerinizi yönetebilir,
• Öneri özelliği ile aramalarınızı daha kolay ve hızlı yapabilir,
• Bulunduğunuz yere yakın emlak ilanlarını "Yakınımda Ara" özelliği ile bulabilir,
• İlanları görüntüleyebilir, ilan sahibini tek tıkla arayabilir,
• Favorilerinize erişebilir,
• Beğendiğiniz ilanı, satıcıyı veya aramayı favorilerinize ekleyebilir,
• Beğendiğiniz ya da ilginç bulduğunuz ilanları sosyal ağlardaki arkadaşlarınızla paylaşabilirsiniz. uygulaması, ilan ve alışveriş için ilk adresiniz'un resmi uygulamasıdır.


Mobil ilan dünyasının kapılarını sonuna kadar açan uygulamamız sayesinde sahibinden ve oto galeriler tarafından yayınlanmış sıfır veya 2. el araba, SUV, ticari araç ve motosiklet ilanlarına göz atabilir, ilgilendiğiniz taşıtları favorilerinize ekleyebilir, sahiplerine kolayca ulaşabilirsiniz.

Konut, arsa, işyeri arayışlarınızda da yanınızda olan uygulaması ile, gerek sıfır, gerek 2. el tüm satılık ve kiralık emlak ilanlarına erişebilir, en yeni projeleri inceleyebilirsiniz.

Uygulamamız mobil alışveriş için de yanınızda! iPhone, Android, Samsung cep telefonları ve tabletler de dahil olmak üzere her çeşit yeni ve ikinci el ürünü görüp, online olarak satın alabilir, ucuzlukları, indirimleri, fırsat ve kampanyaları yakalayabilirsiniz. Dilerseniz artık kullanmadığınız ürünlerinizi satışa çıkartıp, nakit paraya çevirebilirsiniz.

Giuseppe Zaccaria
Very interesting and well-made. I just wish the producer would include an English platform too.
Rated: 4 Star

Halil Ibrahim Ateş
Fiyat siralamasini yapamiyor yada yukarida para verenlerin ilanlarini yayinliyor. Eger boyleyse neden fiyata gore siralama koydun? Birde coklu secim yapamiyoruz Duzeltilene kadar 1 yildiz
Rated: 5 Star

Utkan Cihan
Rated: 5 Star

ömer Salih Ceylan
Aramalarda web sayfasına göre daha az sonuç veriyor
Rated: 3 Star

Emre Tuna
ARTIK get ile alisveris yapabiliyorum
Rated: 5 Star

Sam Social
well done !!!
Rated: 5 Star

Goal Live Scores

Keep up to date with the fastest real-time football scores application available today.

• Real Time scores, faster than anyone else.
• Live MatchCast Animation
• Super-fast push notifications
• Live Events
• Action from over 750 Leagues and Competitions
• Form and Head to Head for every match.
• In play Match Stats thousands of games.
• Predict the result
• League tables and form
• Fixtures and results
• Favorite teams & Leagues
• Track individual games with a single tap in MyScores
• Link directly to the match page from your notifications.

Ebenezer Quashie
Before update I could get alerts but now I can't really degrades the app u will get 5 if u fix that problem
Rated: 4 Star

Chewen Nicolas
Lovely app, but the latest update can't give me alerts on the favorited games.
Rated: 5 Star

Dorjee Gyaltsen
Only 3 star because of constant notification. Can't put off notification, only 48 hours to mute.
Rated: 3 Star

Mahdi Bagheri
Barnameye kheyli khubie
Rated: 4 Star

David Daniel
I love it
Rated: 5 Star

Iwan St
Sangat membantu
Rated: 5 Star

Neon Skull GO Contacts

If you are running Jelly Bean, please do not download this application for the time being. We are trying to develop a fix that will allow compatibility with Jelly Bean. Should work fine on other versions of the Android OS.


Remember to first download (for free) "GO CONTACTS" for this theme to work on your phone/device.

Please DO NOT BAD RATE us if you don't understand how to apply this theme
**Email us first if you need any help with anything.


Jhon Jhon Dela Cruz
Yeah thats true.
Rated: 4 Star

Shanah Franklin
I know it only works with go contact ex. But when I try to search for go contacts ex nothing comes up except more themes. Every theme I download try to open it and it immediately forces it to close. I don't know What to do....???
Rated: 1 Star

Mas Mukhlisin
saya suka dengan aplikasi ini
Rated: 5 Star

A Google User
Love the way the contacts look. Wish there were a free go launcher that was the same theme
Rated: 5 Star

Easy E
It sets over the previous theme
Rated: 1 Star

A Google User
My fave luv it!! U should make a launcher theme for free to go wit it!!! Absolutely Luv it!
Rated: 5 Star


Welcome to the new MANGO app for Android smartphones and tablets.

A renewed app especially adapted to your device to offer you a mobile experience that is simple, intuitive and fast. Available in 20 languages.

A totally redesigned store to make your shopping experience simpler and more secure than ever. Includes the "Notify me" feature which will send you an e-mail once the garment you are after becomes available.

MANGO, MANGO Man*, MANGO Kids* and Violeta by MANGO* included on the same app to simplify your browsing and shopping experience.

Thanks to image recognition, scan any page of our catalogues or adverts and directly obtain full details of the garments featured in the images via augmented reality. You can add them to your Wishlist, locate them at your nearest store or purchase them directly from the app.

Using our barcode scanner, you will immediately obtain full details of the garment.

You'll receive all our latest news, launches, special offers, promotions and exclusive benefits. 

Jamila Almizori
This app sucks
Rated: 1 Star

Grzegorz Sikorski
The worst app you can possibly imagine
Rated: 1 Star

Amalia Pisani
Adoro Mango,ma la app é veramente pessima: lentissima,spesso non risponde ai comandi, dopo aver guardano i dettagli di un capo non si può tornare al punto dello scroll da cui ci si era interrotti,ogni volta si deve ripartire da capo. Visto che il sistema di shopping on-line funziona benissimo ed è molto veloce consiglierei di investire in un programmatore competente che sistemi i bugs dell' app!!!
Rated: 1 Star

Natasha Mickoski
Too slow
Rated: 1 Star

Dhara Shah
Whenever I try to view it in full screen mode for its specifications n etc., it's exits away. This is not the way a shopping app works on. Kindly work on it.
Rated: 2 Star

Hanna Wiszniewska
Good app and very good fashion! 😊
Rated: 5 Star


Based on the same rules as the hit KenKen(tm) game, as printed in the New York Times and The Times (uk).

Related to Sudoko, but with a mathematical twist - use the arithmetic challenges in each cage to help solve the puzzle.

Source code available under the GPL.

Authored by Ben Buxton, Paul Dingemans. Contributions by Pimm Hogeling, Stephen Lee, Alexander Tesfamichael, Anthony Paul.

Saicharan Mahendrakar
Such a good game for free without ads is really appreciated. I'll definitely recommend this game.
Rated: 5 Star

Ben Young
Good game
Rated: 5 Star

Matt Everton
The new swipe interface is absolutely dreadful. I used to play dozens of times a day and now am uninstalling. Too bad you ruined the only game I had installed on my phone
Rated: 3 Star

Mick P
The interface is great. If you don't like swipe then you can change it in the settings (I like the using the buttons so I turn it off). This is by far the best mathdoku game out there.
Rated: 5 Star

Graham Cale
Fun time killer
Rated: 4 Star

RG From SD
Mode switches from Normal to Maybe randomly. Cannot reset error message.
Rated: 1 Star