Sunday, November 1, 2015

Router Keygen

Recover your keys for your wifi network.
If you have kept your default key you will instantaneous get your key back.
It supports a lot of common routers.

All algorithms are from public domain.

Gabriella Di Salvo
Works rather well. Muchisimasgracias.
Rated: 5 Star

Rowan Stewart
I got this app because i have a belkin router and i wanted to see if it really had the password and it did. So now my router has a new password.
Rated: 4 Star

Damien Bacon
Only one that I've found where you don't need root.. if anyone knows any other one that's good and no root please tell me
Rated: 5 Star

Yaguar God
Thank you and my neighbor's wifi.
Rated: 5 Star

Darrell Garcia
For everyone crying about this not working, the pictures are in Spanish, and Mexico mostly runs wifi on Wpn1 networks, in America we usually run on wpn2. So just stop complaining.
Rated: 5 Star

Keomar Soto Gonzalez
Everything was working fine, but since the update it says it doesnt detect wifi even tho theres wifi (I have a nexus 5)
Rated: 2 Star

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